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The program objectives of the academic program include:
- To produce competent graduates who are capable to identify community health problems and play leading professional roles in the field of public health.
- To produce health personnel with in-depth knowledge and skill in the prevention of disease and promotion of health in the field of public health.
- To produce qualified health professionals who can teach in public health training programs at various levels.
- To produce a research-oriented human resource who will design and conduct public health research that helps as an input for evidence-based interventions and policy.
- To produce public health professionals who can provide community health services and be involved in the management and public health decision-making.
Professional Profile
The MPH program will have the following competence:
- Ability to provide effective leadership roles in advocating and promoting public healt
- Ability to effectively manage health services and programs
- Ability to describe and quantify health and health-related problems in the locality
- Ability to provide training in public health programs and in higher training institutions
- Ability to provide community health services
Graduate Profile
A graduate from the general MPH track should be able to:
- Conduct postgraduate teaching programs in public health in various higher education institutions;
- Understand and describe the size and nature of health and health-related problems of a community;
- Describe and elucidate the natural history of the health problems in individuals and communities;
- Identify causes of health and related problems and, assess the relative and absolute importance of these problems;
- Design and implement appropriate health programs and projects for addressing the identified and prioritized health problems
- Evaluate the effectiveness of both new and existing health interventions by applying proper analysis of their social, cultural, and political context;
- Critically evaluate programs, interventions, and outcomes related to public health practice;
- Understand the diverse process of empowerment and community development and has the appropriate skill to work for their implementation;
- Advance and apply new knowledge in the areas of public health and population to the solution of pressing public health problems;
- Improve the overall management of public health services and policy issues within the country and has the skills to apply for mitigating problems in these areas;
- Apply the principles and tools of management in the planning and program implementation; and
- Plan and implement health research using both quantitative and qualitative methods
Course Break Dowen
“Year I Semester I
- Introduction to Public Health
- Introduction to Software Applications
- Epidemiology
- Basic Biostatistics
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- Health Service Management
- Health education and Promotion
“Year I Semester II
- Advanced Biostatistics
- Public Health Nutrition
- Reproductive and Sexual Health
- Population studies (Basic Demography)
- Health Economics
- Research Methods
Year II
- Research work and Thesis writing.