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Medical Laboratory Model Exit Exam

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Category: Medical Laboratory

1.      A twelve-year-old boy who came from swampy areas of Kemise had a stool examination. His blood workup revealed elevated eosinophils and his stool sample was mixed with blood. A formalin-ether concentration was performed on the stool specimen before wet mount preparation.  Eggs of 114 to 180 µm long by 45-70 µm wide with characteristic shape and a prominent lateral spine near the posterior end containing a miracidium were detected. Based on these morphologic features, what is your diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

2.      A 42-year-old farmer presented to his local medical facility with intermittent diarrhea and abdominal cramping. A stool specimen was collected in 10% formalin for laboratory testing. An unembryonated, fertile eggs demonstrating a thick wall and with a mammillated layer was detected. What is your diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

3.      A nine-year-old female refugee from Eritrea with normal neutrophil and eosinophil counts had a stool examination as part of a refugee screening. Microscopic examination of an iodine wet mount preparation of the stool sample revealed a yellowish brown egg with an oncosphere containing visible hooklets and polar filaments between the inner and outer membranes. What is your diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

4.      A 26-years old man presented to a health center with complaints of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss for the preceding 6-8 months. He was later found to be leukopenic, neutropenic, with elevated eosinophils in the peripheral blood. Stool was sent to the laboratory for ova and parasite examination and a larva with short buccal cavity, a rhabditoid esophagus, prominent genital primordium and tapered tail was detected in microscopy. Based on these morphologic features, what is your diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

5.      Stool specimens were collected from school children for intestinal parasitic survey. The stool specimens were collected in 10% formalin and ova-and-parasite (O&P) examination was conducted Ethiopian public health laboratory. A 50-55 by 20-25 micrometers sized, barrel-shaped, thick-shelled possessing a pair of polar “plugs” at each end were examined. Based on the above clinical and laboratory characteristics, what will be your diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

6.      A mother brings her 2-year-old son to the emergency room because of fever and a stiff neck. Examination reveals an acutely ill child with a temperature of 104°F. A CSF is Gram stained, examined in a rapid test, and also cultured. A Gram stain of the isolated organism shows Gram-negative diplococcic. What is the causative agent?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

7.      A 33-year-old patient come with a case of gas gangrene. Specimen is taken from the lesion and sent to microbiology laboratory. The medical laboratory technologist wants to prepare culture media and biochemical test. Which organism should be most likely considered for the case?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

8.      A patient with a peptic ulcer was admitted to hospital and a gastric biopsy was performed. The tissue was cultured on chocolate agar incubated in a microaerophilic environment at 37oC for 5 to 7 days. At 5 days of incubation, colonies appeared on the plate and were curved, Gram negative rods, oxidase-positive. The most likely identity of this organism is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

9.      An elderly hospitalized patient has developed lobar Pneumonia. Microbiological examination was requested for the case. Gram negative rode lactose fermented bacteria was isolated from the sputum specimen. What is the most likely etiological agent of the case?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

10.  While treating a patient for known bacterial infection, a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that targets the cell wall became ineffective due to lack of target. What is the most likely etiological agent of the case?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

11.  A 23-year-old woman presents with lower back pain, fever, and dysuria of 3 days’ duration. Urinalysis reveals many white blood cells (WBC) and WBC casts. Gram stain of the uncentrifuged urine reveals numerous Gram-negative bacilli per oil immersion field. Proteus species was suspected by its nature on blood agar plate. What is its most important biochemical characteristic to identify this organism?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

12.  Laboratory professional who was giving microbiology training was asked a question about Haemophilus influenzae. The training participants answer different characteristics of the pathogen. Of their response which of the following is NOT correct?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

13.  A 40-year-old patient with a chronic granulomatous condition of peripheral nerves and mucocutaneous tissues, particularly the nasal mucosa. The physician suspected for leprosy and requested for diagnosis microscopically. Which specimen is used for the diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

14.  A parasitic infection diagnosis based on its shape, size and color of the parasitic stage is:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

15.  A laboratory technologist is working in Menelik II referral hospital laboratory and while his is working in his night duty, the results of his lab test were not properly delivered to the requested physicians/ department of the hospital. What kind of problem do you thinks this was?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

16.  A-32-year-old whose doctor referred him to have an HIV screening at clinical laboratory of a hospital. Later, after the test procedure, the laboratory staff has disclosed the history of client for unauthorized body. This can be explained by the phenomenon of:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

17.  A known antiserum is mixed with soluble test antigen to place in 37oC equipment for 10 minutes and a cloudy precipitate form at the zone of optimum antigen-antibody proportion. For this type of test which of the equipment is used to maintain the temperature?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

18.  The Nurse working in a hospital collected a specimen which is from the inappropriate source. The collected specimen does not much with the required type of sample for the test requested on the laboratory requested form. What appropriate action needs to be taken by the laboratory technologist?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

19.  A 59-year-old man required emergency medical attention due to hyperpyrexia (>40° C/104° F), generalized convulsions, and signs of renal failure. The patient’s recent travel history was not available. His blood smears stained with Geimsa revealed a late compact trophozoites with thin, delicate rings PLUS schizonts with approximately 16-18 small merozoites in a normal-sized erythrocyte. What is your diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

20.  A laboratory technician wanted to prepare 1000ml of 5% sodium hypochlorite (Bleach) from 10% sodium hypochlorite solution to disinfect her working bench in the laboratory to prevent the risk of infections? How did she prepare it?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

21.  During interpretation of hepatitis C virus serological test, all the following are correct EXCEPT

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Category: Medical Laboratory

22.  Which one of the following is false about HCG hormone?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

23.  Select a false statement about C-reactive serological test?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

24.  Select the false statement about urine specimen for pregnancy test

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Category: Medical Laboratory

25.  A woman who pricked her finger while pruning some rose bushes develops a local pustule that progresses to an ulcer. Several nodules then develop along the local lymphatic drainage. The most likely agent is:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

26.  In a pregnancy test using immunochromatographic technique, a urine sample collected from a woman has a cloudy appearance. What needs to be done?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

27.  Rotavirus and poliovirus are two examples of viruses that may persist on surfaces for long periods of time, but human coronaviruses only remain contagious for a short period of time. Why?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

28.  Health center laboratory want to send sputum specimen to referral laboratory for culture specimen suspected for pneumonia and broncho pneumonia pathogens. Then the laboratory wants identify transporting medium for the specimen transportation. Which transporting medium is appropriate?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

29.  When preparing a tissue for Histopathology and light microscopy, which method precedes clearing the specimen with an organic solvent?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

30.  A serological test based on latex agglutination in which latex particles coated with IgG used to detect IgM class of antibody directed against the Fc portion of the IgG molecule in serum is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

31.  The most appropriate specimen used in early diagnosis of infants exposed for HIV is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

32.  Which marker is appeared and detected early in the blood of HIV infected individuals?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

33.  Which marker is used in early infant diagnosis of HIV?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

34.  In HIV rapid test procedure, the sample is applied to the sample well followed by addition of running buffer. What is the role of running buffer in the test procedure?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

35.  An immunohematology test which involves detection sensitized RBC in the circulation mainly used for diagnosis of hemolytic diseases of the newborn, autoimmune hemolytic anemia and investigation of drug induced hemolytic anemia is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

36.  A markedly dehydrated patient presents with diarrhea. His stool culture best grew organisms when it is cultivated on alkaline medium. The isolate was oxidase-positive. The most probable diagnosis is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

37.   A 9 year old boy develops acute diarrhea and abdominal cramps. During an examination, the boy’s pediatrician notes that he has a low-grade fever: a stool specimen indicates that the boy also has bloody stool. The pediatrician is concerned that the boy is infected with Escherichia coli O157. Which tests should be performed with the collected stool specimen to confirm this diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

38.  A middle-aged man from East Africa had an intermittent fever for two weeks, which progressed to a daily fever with chills. He had also experienced severe weight loss during the previous six months and his past medical history revealed he had contracted malaria twice. It was also discovered that he was positive for HIV by antibody testing. A CT scan revealed that he had an enlarged spleen and liver. A bone marrow aspirate was stained with Giemsa and the presence of amastigotes revealed. Based on the patient’s clinical criteria and microscopic result, what is your diagnosis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

39.  Which of the following is infective stage of Plasmodium species to the mosquitoes

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Category: Medical Laboratory

40.  At which stage of plasmodial life cycle we can diagnose the parasite in clinical samples?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

41.  Choose the incorrect statement about the assay usage of serially collected CSF specimen

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Category: Medical Laboratory

42.  In a hospital the following result was obtained from urinalysis test of a 60-years-old patient.

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Category: Medical Laboratory

43.  A hospital in Addis Ababa purchased a laboratory reagent from pharmaceuticals and medical equipment’s supply agency. A reagent is highly flammable. All of the following are the safe storage and use of flammable laboratory reagents EXCEPT one?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

44.  A woman visited a health center to check her pregnancy and consult the nurse working in a health center. As per the request a laboratory technician perform a pregnancy test using a random urine specimen. However, a pregnancy test result was negative though the presence of pregnancy indictors. A technician wants to repeat to confirm the result. What is the appropriate urine specimen type to repeat a negative urine pregnancy test performed on a random specimen?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

45.  Which one of the following can be the rejection criteria for urine specimen?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

46.  In the RPR card test, one component of the antigen suspension used is choline chloride. What is the role of choline chloride in the antigen suspension during the procedure?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

47.  Select the correct statement about VDRL and RPR tests

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Category: Medical Laboratory

48.  In the RPR card test, one component of the antigen suspension used is choline chloride. What is the role of choline chloride in the antigen suspension during the procedure?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

49.  All the following activities needs to be performed during transportation or shipment of serological specimens EXCEPT

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Category: Medical Laboratory

50.  If a false negative serological test is suspected due to a prozone phenomenon, the primary activity that needs to be performed should be

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Category: Medical Laboratory

51.  Which serological test is used in the diagnosis of Rheumatic fever and Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis caused by S.pyogens.

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Category: Medical Laboratory

52.  A medical laboratory technologist has performed PCV value of the same sample at the same time by using electronic cell analyzer using standard procedure and has got 2.5% lower than microhematocrit method. This variation is mainly due to___

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Category: Medical Laboratory

53.  A laboratory technologist wants to process different microbiology specimen including stool, urine, CSF, and sputum. There is a possibility of delay of some specimen. Which specimen should be processed firs?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

54.  You received a urine culture report from a laboratory on a 45 year old patient with an indwelling urinary tract catheter. The urine culture is growing >100,000 oxidase positive gram negative bacilli. The most likely organism is:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

55.  A markedly dehydrated patient presents with diarrhea. His stool culture best grew organisms when it is cultivated on alkaline medium. The isolate was oxidase-positive. The most probable diagnosis is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

56.  A laboratory technologist working in microbiology laboratory isolated Gram-positive cocci in chain. The technologist suspected Streptococcus pyogenes. Which antibiotics is used to differentiated from other hemolytic streptococci on the basis of sensitivity to?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

57.  Health center laboratory want to send sputum specimen to referral laboratory for culture specimen suspected for pneumonia and broncho pneumonia pathogens. Then the laboratory wants identify transporting medium for the specimen transportation. Which transporting medium is appropriate?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

58.  When laboratory technologist working in microbiology laboratory, specimen was brought to laboratory for diagnosis by culture. Which of the following is less important to select primary culture media during this time?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

59.  Factors that may not result falsely high number of RBCs:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

60.  The finding of yeast cells in the urine is commonly associated with:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

61.  Choose the incorrect statement about the assay usage of serially collected CSF specimen

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Category: Medical Laboratory

62.  Microscopic analysis of a urine specimen yields a moderate amount of red blood cells in spite of a negative result for blood using a reagent strip. The technologist should determine if this patient has taken:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

63.  Variations in the microscopic analysis of urine include all of the following except:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

64.  Differentiation among RBCs, yeast, and oil droplets may be accomplished by all of the following except:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

65.  The lipid component whose measurement would be the most severely affected by analyzing a non-fasting specimen is:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

66.  Which one of the following markers indicates excretory capacity of the liver?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

67.  The patient, he is a 32-year-old, HIV-positive, gay whose doctor had referred him to clinical laboratory for laboratory service. The laboratory staff has disclosed the history of client for unauthorized body. This is can be explained by the phenomenon of:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

68.  You are working in parasitology department and naming parasites by looking at their size, shape, and the motility on the wet mounts slide under the microscope. Microscope objective which is used for the initial scanning and observation in most microscopic work?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

69.  Which serological test is used in the diagnosis of Rheumatic fever and Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis caused by S.pyogens.

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Category: Medical Laboratory

70.  Which serological test is used in the diagnosis of Rheumatic fever and Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

71.  Which method is mainly used in screening of individuals for HIV?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

72.  The most appropriate specimen used in early diagnosis of infants exposed for HIV is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

73.  Which marker is appeared and detected early in the blood of HIV infected individuals?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

74.  Which marker is used in early infant diagnosis of HIV?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

75.  A latex agglutination test performed by using latex particles coated with IgG molecule and serum of a patient is the test principle

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Category: Medical Laboratory

76.  The type of reagent that used to dilute the bllod and hemlyze RBC during manual WBC count is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

77.  The type of anticoagulant preferable for blood morphology examination is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

78.  On the automated hematology analyzer, the main CBC parameter affected by a high background count of the analyzer is 2.       Hemoglobin

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Category: Medical Laboratory

79.  To prepare a 10% solution of formalin, which of the following amounts of water should be added to 100 mL of stock formaldehyde? 

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Category: Medical Laboratory

80.  A bone tissue was brought to histopathologic laboratory from suspected case of bone cancer. What critical procedure should be done before tissue processing after fixation.

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Category: Medical Laboratory

81.  A laboratory technologist wants to process tissue biopsy for histopathological examination. Which of the following sequences of reagents could be used in the routine processing of the tissue?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

82.  A laboratory professional working in laboratory want to diagnose Salmonella species for typhoid fever in the first week by culture. Which specimen gives high positive result in the specified time?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

83.  A 23-year-old woman comes to your office because, for 3 days, she has experienced burning with urination, increased frequency of urination, and a continual feeling that she needs to urinate. She does not have vaginal discharge, fever, or flank pain. Rapid ‘dipstick’ urine tests are consistent with uncomplicated cystitis. Culture of urine on standard media produces a lactose-fermenting gram-negative rod. In situations such as this patient, what is the most likely pathogen?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

84.  A burn patient develops infection of the burn wound. Culture of exudate on Brain-Heart Infusion agar produces numerous green-pigmented colonies of a Gram-negative rod. The organism grows well aerobically on standard media but shows no evidence of acid production on differential media such as MacConkey, Hektoen Enteric, or Triple-Sugar-Iron agars. What is the most likely organism?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

85.  All of the following are dimorphic fungi EXCEPT:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

86.  What type of fungal infection involves the stratum corneum and occasionally the upper dermis?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

87.   All the following activities needs to be performed during transportation or shipment of serological specimens EXCEPT

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Category: Medical Laboratory

88.   Select the true statement about laboratory diagnosis of syphilis

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Category: Medical Laboratory

89.   In non-treponemal antibody test of syphilis, clinical conditions such as lupus Erythematous, leprosy, malaria, and rheumatoid arthritis can cause false positive result in VDRL and RPR test procedures. What is the possible explanation?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

90.  Suppose you are working in a referral Hospital and there is a need to transfuse blood for a woman suffering from severe hemorrhage during delivery. Her blood group is AB and Rh-negative. What should be the first choice of blood for her?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

91.  Which of the following parasite has infective trophozoite stage which can initiate a disease?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

92.  Which of the following is infective stage of Plasmodium species to human host?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

93.  The protozoan parasite with true motility organelle (flagella), with twisting motility and have only trophozoite stage:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

94.  Some fungi have two different morphological forms, yeast and molds. If they do, it is likely that:

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Category: Medical Laboratory

95.  Suppose you are assigned to work in Wuchale district, the district is having ample termite hills. Therefore, in this district what type of disease and vector do you suspect?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

96.  Health center laboratory want to send sputum specimen to referral laboratory for culture specimen suspected for pneumonia and broncho pneumonia pathogens. Then the laboratory wants identify transporting medium for the specimen transportation. Which transporting medium is appropriate?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

97.  A patient with a peptic ulcer was admitted to hospital and a gastric biopsy was performed. The tissue was cultured on chocolate agar incubated in a microaerophilic environment at 37oC for 5 to 7 days. At 5 days of incubation, colonies appeared on the plate and were curved, Gram negative rods, oxidase-positive. The most likely identity of this organism is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

98.  The appropriate temperature and time for inactivation of serum complement proteins is

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Category: Medical Laboratory

99.  ]An elderly hospitalized patient has developed lobar Pneumonia. Microbiological examination was requested for the case. Gram negative rode lactose fermented bacteria was isolated from the sputum specimen. What is the most likely etiological agent of the case?

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Category: Medical Laboratory

100.          Toxoplasmosis is infection with Toxoplasma gondii. The only known hosts of this organism are domestic cats and their relatives. Infection with T. gondii in humans can occur in various ways. Which of the following is the most common mode of infection in humans?